A Small Reminder From a Struggling College Student Like Yourself by Annyka Dela Cruz
I know, it’s hard. They all told you it would be. But it still turned out to be far from your expectations and I am sorry. I am sorry that your high school lessons and teachers were not able to supply the needed intelligence for you to have an easier time. But do not fret, look around you, you are not the only struggling in this temporary jail cell.
Yes, I know how you were the best, the smartest during your high school years, I know how you were the one asked when no one could answer, how you were the one being chosen to participate in different kinds of contests, but bear in mind, this is no longer high school. College will squeeze out the remaining confidence in you and it will tear you up until you are about to give up, and when that time finally happens, don’t. You may no longer want the professor to point at your direction when no one knew the answer, because chances are you do not know as well. You may no longer taste a test with a perfect score, but receiving a test which had barely passed may taste the same. You may no longer remember the feeling of a full length sleep.
But remember, always remember, intelligence is not measured through letters (A+, A-, B+, B-, F, etc.) or by numbers (5, 4, 3, 2.75, 2.5, 1.0). Intelligence is measured on how you carry yourself and how you know you are fucking worth the fucking hassle.
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